Today my roommate and I decided to meet up for lunch between our classes like we normally do on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Kumm Center Cafeteria. After we found a table to sit at and began eating our lunches, my roommate suddenly put down her sandwich with a disgusted look on her face. From this I believed that her sandwich was not up to par but this was definitely not the case.
“Did you hear that!?” asked my roommate.
It was obvious that I hadn’t heard what she was speaking of so she started to ramble on, quietly however, that the small group of boys was having a very sexually orientated and quite honestly derogatory conversation about women. The conversation varied in who was “hott” to who that person had hooked up with the night before and detailed descriptions that nobody needed to hear. Personally I could not hear the full conversation that was going on at the table beside us but it was enough to make my friend want to finish her lunch elsewhere.
I do understand that it is in the nature of some men, or in actuality some people to share such stories and personal information with friends or others but please keep it down or at least have such a conversation in a “safer” place. The lunch room was in no way a place to be sharing such sexually explicit information, it definitely disgusted my roommate and myself.
So basically before you decide to spill your guts in the cafeteria of your school, think about what you say and what people would perceive of you, unless you truly don’t care. But even if you don’t care, it would still be very mature of you to save such appalling conversations for somewhere else more private, especially someplace where other people are not eating. Go on a walk, chill in your living room, even the student lounge, but keep the cafeteria a clean place, and I mean more so then just the tables and chairs!
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