Tuesday, December 1, 2009


So trying to decide what you want to be when you grow up is a pretty tough thing and an overall huge decision that will impact the rest of your life. This is why I have a tough time deciding what career path I want to choose and why I am scared that I am making the wrong decision. My plan as of last spring was to attend a Technical College in hopes of becoming a Physical Therapist Assistant. An Associate's Degree sounded great for me because I did not want to spend another six to twelve years in school. This way, I can go to school for a shorter amount of time, still make a significant amount of money, and start earning that money earlier. Not to mention the schooling is significantly cheaper.
I have also always thought about going in to the Psychology field. Especially now that I have been in Intro to Psychology with an AMAZING teacher named Alissa Minten, I have been thinking more seriously about changing my career. The only negative that I see about changing my profession would be having to attend school for four more years, as well as paying a ton more money that I would have to if I stuck with the Physical Therapy Program. I am already set up to begin the Physical Therapy Program next year so therefor I really need to hurry up and decide if I really do want to change.
I don't know how I am going to come to the decision however. I think I am going to do some research online that will hopefully help me determine which occupation I would like better. I might just stick with Physical Therapy until next year and see how much I really do enjoy it, and if I don't I will just transfer to a different school for second semester or the following year and just take more generals. I do not know the plan as of right now which bugs me because I am one of those organized people who always want to know what is going on but i guess that is just life!

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